
What are the basic automations in e-mailing

Basic automation in e-mailing

Automations are the cornerstone of email marketing. You will never achieve the best results without them. That's why today we're going to introduce you to the basic ones that you can't do without if you're serious about e-mailing. 

But first, what exactly are automated emails. Basically, these are ready-made scenarios that automatically send an email when a condition is met, which is mostly personalized and tailored to the customer of your e-shop. The trigger is usually a certain event on the website (adding goods to the basket, viewing goods or the anniversary of the first purchase). 

So what are the most used automations? 

Abandoned cart

In this case, it is about setting up a campaign that, after a certain period of time, sends the customer an e-mail with a reminder about the purchase, including a recap of the content of the purchase. It is advisable to send the e-mail with a certain interval of several hours. In the case of more expensive goods, you can send the mail the next day. We definitely recommend supplementing the e-mail with information motivating the purchase. For example, same day shipping or even delivery, extended warranty or free shipping. Quite a few e-shops even go so far as to send the first e-mail the next day and then make a last attempt to win over the customer with another e-mail. In that case, we recommend providing the mail with a discount coupon as a last possible incentive. To prevent users from getting used to it, it's a good idea not to send discount coupons to every user, but only random parts of them. This can also be set in the automations. 

Viewed goods 

Basically, it is similar to remarketing. This means that a customer who views a product after a certain period of time will receive an email with a purchase incentive. Ideally, we recommend that the e-mail be supplemented with information related to the goods in question. Sometimes, for example, information about the quality of the offered brand, the number of units sold in the last week or a link to a large service network is of interest. Likewise, it is very useful for customers if you supplement the viewed goods with an offer of alternatives and their mutual comparison. For this e-mailing, we also recommend limiting the frequency of its sending so that he does not receive a similar e-mail every time he visits your e-shop. For such active visitors, we propose another automated solution to obtain it. But more about that next time. 

Annual campaign 

This type of campaign is about emotion, establishing a closer bond. It can be a personalized holiday greeting with a gift, but also a reminder of the customer's first purchase from you. For example, after a year you can be reminded what he bought from you for the first time. In the mailing, you can again offer him related goods or an extension of the existing one, following his first and other possible purchases. But even just a nice reminder increases the chance that he will remember you during his next purchase. 


Repeat purchase 

You could say that this is a modification of the annual campaign - just related to the goods. Whether it's nappies, dog food or contact lenses, everything that is bought repeatedly. You know exactly when the customer made a purchase last time. You also know how long it takes on average for the goods to run out. At the right moment, you can send him an incentive to repeat the previous purchase - ideally with a single click from your e-mail. 

Cross-sell & Up-sell 

In the case of e-commerce, these two methods of offering are intertwined, in both cases it is an additional sale. In automation, imagine that if a customer buys, for example, a mobile phone, we offer him the related accessories – a case or a holder for the car. In fashion e-shops, the strategy "Advice from the designer" works very well - you offer the customer other pieces that go together with the purchased goods. 

For the second option, you can offer the latest design of the same brand to customers who bought an older model of soccer cleats from you last year, or instead of an older iPhone, you can offer a new version of it at launch. 

Final advice 

Personalize – use the address (even in the subject of the message), use the customer's purchase history to remind him that you know him. Send him information about the status of points in his loyalty account. Just do everything to be closer to the customer. 

When you encourage a customer to buy and offer them a discount or free shipping, do not forget about the margin, so that the business is sufficiently profitable for you.

It's not possible without newsletters - in order for the automation to work properly, it is necessary to regularly (1-2 monthly for sure!) send customers a regular offer of goods. If you don't do this, no customer will be tagged thanks to cookies, and therefore you have no chance to deliver them even automated emails. 

What can we help you with? 

We will choose the right mailing system for you and connect it to your e-shop. We can help you set up and monitor the performance of all the automations mentioned above. We can also prepare templates for newsletters, so that their creation is really easy for you and takes just a few clicks. 

Just call or write. 775 505 477, online@www.promogen.cz 

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