We will prepare perfect reporting of all marketing investments and business results and compare them against plans.
Always available up-to-date graphs and tables will save you many hours of work and you will forever get an immediate overview of your company's performance.
How does cooperation with us work?
Overview of own business. This is absolutely essential. You must always have an overview, because only then will you have the opportunity make the right decision.
We will help you with that. We will obtain your data from all sources, process it and present it in the form of clear tables and graphs. Online. Live at any moment.
Of course, we'll need your cooperation, but don't worry—we're not biting.
Why work with us?
- We use advanced marketing strategies and tools
- Proactive approach and innovative solutions
- We coordinate campaigns with planned marketing ones
activities and other channels of online communication - We automate as much as possible

Dashboard for Ecomail
Dashboard of campaigns and automation for Ecomail
Having an overview of the performance of marketing campaigns is a must. Without it, no one has a chance to properly manage and plan their campaigns. Not even in e-mailing. The growing demand for reporting tools has forced us to prepare a dashboard for all clients using Ecomail as a platform, even for your e-mailing.

Dashboard - e-shop
What can an automated report look like?
See what a simple report can look like using the Looker platform, which loads data automatically and is available to you 24/7.
Seznam.cz představuje revoluci v transakčních e-mailech
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Jak přehrát video přímo v e-mailu na Seznam.cz? Máme pro vás řešení!
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Jak SMS kampaně zvyšují výkonnost a obraty
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Využití AI v e-mail marketingu: Revoluce v komunikaci se zákazníky
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Tipy a triky na top mailové šablony
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Push notifikace – případová studie
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Reaktivační kampaň – neprávem opomíjená automatizace
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Consent Mode v2: Jak nepřijít o možnost cílené reklamy
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Google zpřísňuje pravidla pro newslettery
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Gamification in e-mailing: How to get contacts of potential customers in a playful way
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Big test: Abandoned cart in practice
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Marek Ružička
Dashboard for Ecomail
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Petr Matoušek
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Higher sales

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