
Package Transfer
on Shoptet

Do you already run an e-shop and want to switch to Shoptet? Don't worry, we'll help you. We will prepare a 1:1 transfer of goods, categories and articles so that the customer feels the change for the better and the search engines do not even notice that the change has taken place.

How does cooperation with us work?

Do you already run an e-shop and want to switch to Shoptet? Don't worry, we'll help you. We will prepare a 1:1 transfer of goods, categories and articles so that the customer feels the change for the better and the search engines do not even notice that the change has taken place. We will review the pricing, customer groups and loyalty programs with you so that everything is set up correctly during the transition. 

We will prepare for you the automation of work with orders, product import or connection with accounting so that everything runs the same or even better than before the transfer. 

Price: individual


E-commerce tools

What platforms and tools do we use?



Our certificates

What will our work bring you?

Higher sales

Higher sales, but not at any cost. We monitor in detail and regularly so that the costs of increasing sales do not exceed your profits. We also take care of detailed reports so that you always know how the campaign is earning.

Repeat purchases

You need to approach the customer who comes back to you differently - so that you don't pay too much for his visits. That's why we work with special campaigns for returning customers.

New contacts

We are always looking for ways to bring you new customers. But the price for them must not be higher than your earnings. In cooperation with you, we analyze your data and determine the price of a new customer.
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Samples of work

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